Re: solarization and alt process observations

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From: Kerik Kouklis (
Date: 03/26/02-01:34:11 PM Z

> I have found that double
> coating will help prevent this when it occurs, probably
> because there is just more sensitizer impregnated in the
> paper.

Sometimes it just takes a drop or 2 of platinum added to a palladium
print to get rid of the reversal.
> Carl: I just recently tried a pure platinum print with fresh
> ammonium citrate on Buxton. I got a decent print, but it did
> not have the depth that my palladium prints from the same
> negative exhibit. The image color was a neutral black, which
> is also not particularly to my taste. Admittedly this is a
> limited test, but suffice it to say that I was underwhelmed,
> and am not going to pursue it because of the considerable
> extra expense. I had heard someone say that pure platinum
> was impossible to do nowadays, and took the remark as
> something of a challenge. Maybe the remark should be
> modified to: great-looking pure platinum is difficult. FWIW

I also have tried Buxton for a develop-out Pt/Pd print and was
completely unimpressed. I got kind of a weak, shallow looking print. If
you really want to do straight platinum, take a crack at the
Extravagatype outlined in The New Platinum Print.


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