Re: Kamera Korner

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From: Sandy King (sanking@CLEMSON.EDU)
Date: 03/30/02-10:40:51 AM Z

Just one further note on the F&S banquet cameras. A friend who owns a
12X20 F&S writes, "The F&S was better designed and better made, but
not as universally functional as the Korona. The Korona varied a lot
from one batch to another in dimensions and quality." I am in general
agreement with that statement.

One other item of interest is the film holders. Although the external
dimensions of F&S and Korona standard film holders are very close to
identical, they are not interchangeable. Korona holders have a ridge
on the film holders that slides into a groove on the back of the
camera, whereas F&S holders have a groove slides over a ridge on the
camera back. Korona holders are far more common the the market than
F&S and many people who own F&S cameras have adapted their backs to
accept the Korona holders.

If anyone is interested in new holders for the banquet cameras (7X17,
8X20 or 12X20) please contact me off-list.

Sand King

>Leonard wrote:
>>If you need
>>extension longer than 16" and don't want to go to the trouble of building an
>>extension, you might wait for a Korona (an old catalog lists it as having
>>28" extension, no doubt using an add-on extra track which is often missing
>>from a used camera).
>That is correct. The extra bellows draw is provided by an extension
>track that goes on the back of the camera. With the extension track
>total bellows draw of the 7x17 Korona is 28", or enough to handle up
>to about a 24" lens. The 7X17 Korona was commonly offered with the
>extension track and about half of the cameras offered on ebay have
>this feature. The 12X20 Korona, on the other hand, was rarely if
>ever offered with the extension track, though even without the track
>it has 24" of bellows draw, somewhat more than the F&S.
>> My 12X20 has a non-removable back, so making any sort
>>of reducing back isn't practical, although with 7X17 that probably isn't an
>>issue. The 12X20 does have front tilt, something I don't believe the Korona
>>has (although a tilting lens board could be made for it).
>Some Korona banquet cameras do have front tilt, though this feature
>is far more common on the 12X20 than on the 7X17.
>Sandy King


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