From: Sandy King (
Date: 03/31/02-03:49:08 PM Z
McKeown lists the 7X17, 8X20 and 12X20 Koronas as Panoramic View, but
notes that they are usually called banquet cameras.
I agree with Carl's observations about the name. All of the 7X17 and
8X20 Koronas that I have seen were called "Korona Panoramic View",
either by the Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company or by the Seebold
Invisible Camera Corporation, and the two old Korona 7X17 filmholders
I own also carry this name. On the other hand, all of the old 12X20
holders I have seen with labels were called "Banquet Camera Film
As far as I concerned any discussions of banquet and panoramic
cameras on this list are definitely on-topic. No experience can
compare to that of making a print with one of the alternative
processes with a well exposed and developed, real to life, and
authentic to the scene, in-camera negative.
I am not against digital negatives in any way but by any standard
they have to be seen as at least one step removed from the
authenticity of the original scene in comparison to an in-camera
negative. In fact they are often many steps removed from the original
scene, and are noted by their perfection, symmetrical duplication of
objects and scenes, and, in many cases, lack of authenticity.
Sandy King
> > I have a 1928-29
>> catalog from Central Camera Company of Chicago that list the 12X20 F&S and
>> Korona as "Banquet Cameras" and the Korona 5X12, 7X17, and 8X20 as "Korona
>> Panoramic View Cameras." I'm curious if the latter was Korona's official
>> designation for these size cameras.
>My 717 Korona uses the term "Panoramic View" on its nameplate, while some
>old holders I have for my 1220 F&S say Banquet Camera Film Holders so I
>suspect these can be considered standard terms for the formats. I think
>you're still on-topic here--oversize cameras are certainly an integral part
>of my alternate process work.---Carl
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