From: xrogers (
Date: 03/31/02-03:50:39 PM Z
Thanks for responding, Carl.
on 3/31/02 2:45 PM, Carl Weese at wrote:
> Is your ferric oxalate standard or the "number two" containing contrasting
> agent?
I have three bottles of oxalate, labeled solution #1, solution #2(pt) and
solution #2(pd). I've been doing a 50-50 mix of #1 and #2(pt). I'll run my
next tests with just #1.
> I keep hearing bad
> reports about "platinotype white" (presumably Cranes Cover Flourescent
> white)--the only time I tried it the results were inconsistent, sometimes
> giving slow, high-contrast, gritty prints.
I got a mixed package of paper, so have some platinotype natural. I'll run
my next round of tests with natural (unless you've heard bad reports on it
as well).
> The old developer could be a
> problem, and I find potassium oxalate generally much better than ammonium
> citrate anyway.
I'll try this next, after the oxalate and paper changes.
Thanks much for the ideas.
--clyde rogers
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