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Re: Pt/Pd printing with various lights

Clay Harmon wrote:
> I've taken one of Dick's workshops. Here is what the #7 mixture Pt/Pd
> consists of:
> a drop ratio of 6 Pt/ 6 Pd/ 6 Ferric oxalate #1 (no potassium
> chlorate)/ 6 Ferric oxalate #2 for Pt(Bostick and Sullivan mix i.e.
> K-chlorate @0.6%)
> ...

#1,.. #2,.. hardly informative.  But then, every kid knows what #1 and
#2 are.
Pt, Pd, what are the solution strengths.
And, is it Li2PdCl4, Na2PdCl4, K2PdCl4, NH4PdCl4 or whatever?
The same goes for the Pt.

So, I hope you understand that you have not really described the #7

Jeffrey D. Mathias