Date: 11/07/02-12:45:45 AM Z
A Great BLUE Heron must be a "he". A Great PINK Heron would be a "she".
In a message dated 11/7/02 1:34:40 AM, mjhealy@kcnet.com writes:
<< Shannon, I have some news for you. Great blue herons are not dimorphous.
**Possibly** during a brief stretch when they are mating, if you are an
ornithologist, you may **perhaps** distinguish the sexes. For the rest of
us, it is impossible to say with even a small degree of certainty whether
any GBH is a "she". Calling that bird a "she" was strictly your own personal
prejudice. There is absolutely no scientific basis for this, though. Nor
merit, for that matter. Mike Healy >>
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