From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 11/12/02-12:49:02 PM Z
> I knew it was coming six months before it came, but I finally went last
> night to see the Lewis Carroll exhibit at SFMOMA. I would recommend that
> anyone who is in the bay area see this before it leaves on the 10th. All
> controversy aside, simply some of the most breathtaking albumen prints I
> have every seen! It's also a treat that the museum juxtaposes some
> pictorialism right next to it. There are about 4 or 5 Julia Margaret Cameron
> images in that group as well. Well worth the $10 just to see this exhibit.
There's an interesting show on the east coast, too -- I understand. I've
been so exhausted smashing my G4 to smithereens (who was smither? and what
are eens?) with a crowbar, I didn't get there yet, but plan to -- anyway
mention it for others more able.
It's Arthur Dow at Hirschl and Adler, 21 E 70th Street. Dow was big in
American art history, sort of pre- Milton Avery esthetic, tho probably
forgotten today. However, it seems he was also a photographer, and not
only taught photography circa 1905-10, but printed in cyanotype, gum, and
like "pictorialist" processes. The friend who called to tell me about the
show said there are examples of same negative in several processes.
Seems these were packed away in a box in someone's attic (or cellar) as of
no value, recently uncovered... Tell your heirs.
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