From: Richard Sullivan (
Date: 11/17/02-11:20:06 AM Z
No, I am not a chemist but I pretend to be at times<grin>
Ferric oxalate will not work for the Ziatype process.
Ammonium ferric oxalate, sodium ferric oxalate and lithium ferric oxalate
will work in the Ziatype with subtly different results between the three.
Formulas for making all three variants from plain ferric oxalate are in the
Sullivan and Weese -- "New Platinum Print" or if need be I can post them here.
All four can be used for developing out if care is taken to insure that the
prints are dry during exposure.
There is some indication that sodium ferric oxalate can be used in the
Ziatype if B+S Na2 Na2PtCl6 is used as a contrast agent. This has not been
confirmed as I have not tested this out yet.
--Dick Sullivan
Creator of the Ziatype process with a big bow to Captain Guiseppe
Pizzighelli for leading the way.
At 09:00 PM 11/16/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Hello - My question is this - Are ferric oxalate and ammonium ferric
>oxalate interchangeable when preparing an emulsion? I believe the answer
>is that they are not but can you verify this. Thanks for your help. Temi
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