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From: Christina Z. Anderson (zphoto@montana.net)
Date: 11/18/02-12:52:05 PM Z

Excuse the cross posting, but I can't remember if it was this list or the
pure silver, that someone was asking about
how to do tintypes. I just bought Jill Enfield's book, Photo Imaging: A
Complete Guide to Alternative Processes, and it has a chapter in there
devoted to tintypes. It is also a beautiful book, well illustrated and
organized. Packed with info. It has these chapters: IR, liquid emulsion,
enlarged negs, ink jet transfers, polaroid processes, cyanos, kallitypes,
platinum/palladium, tintypes, hand coloring, and other stuff. But someone
was asking a while back about Jane Hinds Bidaut and how she does her
tintypes, and this book answers that question. I also like the price--it
retails for $29.95 and was $20.97 at Amazon.
     If you are going to do tintypes, this would be a great book to buy.
Watson Guptill is the publisher. And, I do not get paid for doing this
advertisement :)....just think it is one of the better ones on the market,
and you aren't out $45 as you are with other books of this type...

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