From: Jonathan Bailey (
Date: 11/20/02-06:06:54 AM Z
> Does anyone have info about if there will be a Krappy
> Kamera show in 2003? If so, how can I find out more
> about it?
Info is available at
Basically, it's $35 for six slides, due by Dec. 31st.
On the subject of low-tech imagery - I am co-curating a plastic camera (&
pinhole?) exhibition to be held fall/winter 2003 at UMaine's new Museum of
Art in Bangor. We are not planning to make a "general call" - but if you or
anyone else on the list is interested in potentially contributing work to
this exhibition please contact me off-list. We are just beginning the
artist selection process at this time.
Good luck!
Tenants Harbor, Maine
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