Re: tintypes

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 11/20/02-09:07:08 AM Z

<snip from Judy>
> As I recall you mentioned that the university had some silly nonsense on
> that. Are you allowed to sell it now? Is your price competitive with
> Jill's?

I self publish and sell the book online and locally for $20 plus $5.75
priority shipping. Sarah Van Keuren gave me this idea, as she does the
same. I also now have a teacher using it as her text in VT. Yes, the
policy still remains in place that a teacher cannot profit from her
students, and the only way to work around that is to have it published
outside of the U and have the publisher pay a royalty to the author. Which
all teachers do, it seems. I have the book, actually, at two publishers at
the moment for review, and the advantage to publishing is that I could
include some of the 300 plus images I have to support text, but the
disadvantage would be that my 212pp would have to be drastically cut down
and it would certainly rise in cost. But it would get a wider audience.

> > And furthermore, Judy, I'm WAITING for you to publish your own
> > gum printing workbook. What gives?
> Of course flattery will get you everywhere... but I don't plan (right now
> anyway) to do that. I think gum is a moving target, and I need to aim at
> it some more. I've also put a lot of what I've found into Post-Factory,
> with more to come... but assuming I retain some marbles, I have other
> thoughts (I don't dare say "plans", within earshot of my computer which is
> still out to destroy me). What's your excuse?
> J.

I think I answered this, above--comfortable with where I am at, but still
pursuing the option of its being in "technicolor".

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