Re: vacuum easel pressure gauge

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From: Shannon Stoney (
Date: 11/21/02-07:08:14 PM Z

Clyde wrote:

>I just got a nice old vacuum easel that seems to work great. One
>question---what practical use is the vacuum pressure gauge on the
>easel? Is there any reason I need to watch the gauge, or is it just
>for periodic checking?
>I'm asking because I'm putting the easel in a big drawer, and won't
>be able to see the gauge during exposure (unless I go through the
>hassle of running hoses).

I use the gauge to bleed the air out in successive little bursts.
Like, I turn it on, let it suck a while, then I turn the gauge all
the way to the left (counterclockwise) and then back again to the
right several times. The only reason i do this is because my
teachers told me it was necessary to make sure the contact is good.
I don't know if this is really true. It may just be an idiosyncracy
of our vacuum frame, which is rather old. Also, we are exposing
photopolymer plates, which are thicker than paper.


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