From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 11/25/02-03:36:59 PM Z
> >I have some fairly quirky ideas, in general I am a touch crazy.
> >Anyway, I was looking at the packaging on the Phillips 175 Watt
> >Metal Halide bulb, in particular the warnings on the back, It says
> >if the outer envelope of glass was cracked or broken that a person
> >could get burned from short wave UV radiation. And that some Metal
> >Halide bulbs were available that had an automatic shut off feature
> >in case the outer glass envelope was broken, however this did not.
John, are you a US citizen? If so i strongly urge you don't -- as low UV
radiation is believed to encourage macular degeneration & other causes of
blindness, a big drag on the US tax payer -- & we have enough problems. In
fact I don't think you even have to be a citizen: resident is enough.
However, I'm curious... what advantage were you seeking? If it makes any
difference, evidence is that the low UV is NOT strongly active in exposing
our materials. The major spike is from about 350 nm to 450.
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