From: Sandy King (
Date: 11/28/02-04:55:36 PM Z
>Quoting Sandy King <>:
>> Buy yourself some multi-purpose plastic spring clamps from your local
>> Harbor Freight tool store. This is their Item # 43971 and you get 50
>> of these little dudes for about $5.00. Vastly superior to wooden
>> clothes pins and will neither rust nor absorb chemicals.
>> If you don't have a local store go to and order
>> a pack of the little fellows. You will thank me every time you hang
>> up a big sheet of sized paper to dry and it does not fall.
>Don't they have plastic clothes pegs in USA ?? I looked at the
>picture of the plastic clamps and they appear very similar to the
>"heavy duty" pegs available from my local supermarket. However
>I find the standard plastic pegs work quite well.
>Richard Urmonas
Perhaps the gravity of southern latitudes makes the plastic holders
work better, or maybe they just make better ones down there. However,
the ones that I have bought here in the states have less holding
power than an anemic flea.
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