From: Sandy King (
Date: 10/24/02-09:17:39 PM Z
John Cremati wrote:
>I would like to thank Sandy King for the valuable information he
>has sent... It was extremely helpful ,Thank you...
>I have a few other questions on this 20x24 inch bellows for anyone
>who is able to answer or give opinions....
>1) We are using two pieces of 60 inch wide of a light weight
>black 330d Cordura cloth which will have to be joined together to
>form the 20x24 parameter..... Would you sew and glue them together
>or just clamp and glue?
Just glue with contact cement.
>2) We will be using very heavy exposed and fixed out graphic film(
>estar based ) for the stiffeners that is .007(7 mill) in
>thickness... Has anyone ever used this as a stiffener material or
>are we making a mistake and should stick to a heavy card stock?
I think this might work well. But try it first with a smaller bellows.
>3) What type of glue do you think would be best using Cordura( a
>nylon) and estar film mix that would not add much bulk and would
>remain flexible..... ?
Contact cement is the best in my opinion. And for maximum
convenience, try the spray on type.
>4) Would you recommend building and using a form for such a large bellows?
Yes. For this size bellows a frame is almost necessary.
>5 ) Would you coat the outside or inside of the finished bellows
>with some sort of rubberized black out paint?
No need to do so if you use a completely opaque material like the
Porter's darkroom cloth on the outside. The inside material functions
primarily to reduce flare and should be very flat black.
>Once we finally begin to make this camera we will document every
>thing and make it available to all..
>John Cremati
Great, really look forward to seeing this.
Sandy King
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