Date: 04/14/03-11:50:46 AM Z
I appreciate the information on color permanence. In the digital world
there is a lot of discussion on this topic. For someone like myself who has
little background with watercolors and the various pigments, it is quite
helpful to know for that fatefull day when I try chewing gum and walking at
the same time.
Mark Nelson
In a message dated 4/14/03 12:16:24 PM, kthayer@pacifier.com writes:
> BTW, some folks have taken issue with me for making such a deal of color
> permanence; they say color permanence is not a value for them, so I
> should quit harping on it. People can make their own decisions of course
> about how important color permanence is for them. Color permanence is
> very important to me; one of the many reasons gum is my medium of choice
> is the ability to make color photographs with lasting color. My
> comments about the permanence of different pigments aren't intended to
> scold people who prefer to use fugitive pigments, but to instruct those
> who would prefer not to use fugitive pigments but don't realize that
> some of the pigments offered by so-called reputable manufacturers and
> given favorable-sounding ratings are actually fugitive.
> kt
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