From: Sandy King (
Date: 01/01/04-03:49:31 AM Z
We will be sure to post the link here when it goes up.
In answer to your question regarding trial prints before hitting it right.
For me a holistic thing is getting a good print, not just getting the
exposure and contrast range right. To get the good print I imagine
the following would be close.
With carbon, about 10:1 for the first print. Subsequent prints are
about 3:1 bad to good.
VDB and Kallitype, about 3:1 for the first good print, about 1.5:1
good to bad thereafter.
With the digital negatives I have been making recently I suspect that
I will be able to get the first good print number down to about 4:1
for carbon and to about 1.5:1 for VDB and Kallitype.
I suspect that the above numbers might show why I have a much
different perspective on the hassles and failure rate of the
kallitype process than Carl and Kerik!!
Sandy King
>Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
>Content-language: en
>I hope you will post the link to the online article you are doing.
>I would like to see it.
>Here is a question-Given the range that Sandy spoke in his last post
>that summarized responses for cost of chemicals and the cost of the
>paper used-I would like to hear responses from folks regarding this:
>How many trial prints do you make before you get one with the expos
>ure/contrast that you really like or are many of you to the point
>where you have it down so well that you can come up with a new
>negative (digital or non-digital) and knock out a perfect print the
>first time around?
>Mark Nelson
>In a message dated 4/28/03 9:47:33 PM, writes:
>>Again, thanks to all for the additional information.
>>The platinum heresy thread and this exchange, in spite of a rough and
>>unexpected start, has really been useful to me. I am right now
>>finishing an article on kallitype that will be put up on one of the
>>on-lines photography magazines in 10-14 days and the exchange of
>>information regarding Pt/Pd versus kallitype has really helped to
>>focus my attention, which has lead to a significant revision o f my
>>original introduction of the article on the pros and cons of the two
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