From: Jack Fulton (
Date: 01/11/03-12:22:15 PM Z
I agree with Mark . . . Bruce Fraser is clear cut and easy to understand.
His 'Real World Adobe Photoshop 6' I know well and have now made the
transition to the '7' book. I was @ a reception to celebrate his new book,
'Real World Color Management' in SF. It is on the press as I write. About
$40 @ Amazon.
If any of you are in the San Francisco area, we hope to have Bruce teaching
this coming Summer about color and color management.
There is also a nifty on-line tutoring company for $25/month. You sign up
for one month and drop it any time you wish. It is "" .
You can spend 15 minutes trying it out for free.
One of the best books out there is "Real World Adobe Photoshop 7." I
attended a workshop with one of the authors, Bruce Fraser and found him very
knowledgeable about the use of Photoshop 7 with photography. He also
teaches some advanced techniques using Photoshop 7 that allow you to keep
your file in 16 bit mode‹and for the price of a beer, I'll be in your
neighborhood early nex t week and show you the tricks.
There are also some good web sites that offer great tips and tricks. Here
is one below. Andrew Rodney was also one of the presenters at the workshop
I attended. <>
Mark Nelson
What books and CDs do folks on the list recommend for learning
advanced application of Photoshop. I have been using the product for
a very long time but really need to learn a lot more to do some of
the things I would like to d o.
Sandy King
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