From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/07/03-09:18:01 AM Z
I never worry about the yellow stain until the end of multicoating, and
then I clear it in the potassium metabisulfite, which is (quick and easy) 2
tsp to 1 liter. The only problem with the yellow stain is it alters the
true look of some colors, so that when you finally clear at the end of the
multicoat, your print goes lighter and cooler instantly and it can be
surprising. However, I did that 6g pigment of D Smith pinkcolor to 12ml gum
and it comes out a sickly pale olive that made me think it was a useless
color when I used to multicoat--and then this time, since I am only testing,
I cleared half of a print of just that layer (totally overexposed) and got
the most beautiful baby butt pink, next to the ugly olive green half. Moral
of story: don't assume a color is worthless until the stain is all washed
out or (better yet) cleared in pot metabi. ----- Original Message -----
From: "Matti Koskinen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 2:14 AM
Subject: success!
> hi
> first of all, warm thanks to all. Without your help, I would have never
> made this far.
> This morning I finally succeeded making 3(!) gum prints. During last
> week I've made perhaps about one hundred prints, and now 3 of them look
> to me ok. The problem I had with papers was due to exposure. Now I've
> learned that exposing with blended light lamp (a mercury vapour lamp
> without ballast), I have to expose 1 hour and develop about 1-2 hours.
> But exposing in direct sunlight 3 minutes is enough and half an hour of
> developement.
> Developing longer time gives better results, as it washes also the
> stains, a print developed only 1/2 hour is much more yellowish.
> Now it's time to start learning to make multiple coatings, but also have
> some rest. I've been doing my prints almost day and night.
> best,
> -matti
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