Re: Kallitypes again

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/08/03-10:17:59 PM Z

On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Scott Wainer wrote:

> I tried Sandy's recommendations (even before he posted them) this
> morning. I tried using Arches Classic, Coventry Rag, and Fabriano Uno in
> addition to the Stonehenge (all of them sized and unsized - made no real
> difference). I also tried printing different negatives (same image but
> with negatives ranging from DR 1.20 - 1.80 though they are still lith
> negatives made from a 35mm negative). I tried doubling the gum arabic to
> 8 drops per sheet and eliminating it all together. Doubling and
> eliminating the gum arabic made no difference though changing papers and
> negatives did help quite a bit; but I am still getting splotchy areas of
> solarization in the shadows and printing times are extremely short - 2
> to 3 minutes. The longer I expose the worse the problem gets and
> bronzing appears in areas not covered by the negative (borders).>

But you don't say whether you tried without heat OR blower dry. It may
have been just luck, but I never found kallitype especially tricky -- it
seemed to give a good print no matter what...*except* EVERY case I saw of
bronzing involved heat dry, and Carmen Lizardo reported (upcoming P-F)
that just using blower even without the heat lowered D-max.

That's anyway an easy test.

However, I'll add that adding gum arabic never HELPED.... why do you do

And finally... I strongly recommend against changing more than one
variable at a time...


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