Re: Zimmerman process

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From: Joe Smigiel (
Date: 03/16/03-12:49:50 AM Z

>>> 03/15/03 20:00 PM >>>
     He also does two methods of this: one is an "ecru" first coat, mixing
3 pigments together to achieve a neutral tint (why bother--we have neutral,
or paynes or whatever) and then uses that sensitized for his base print to
watercolor, or uses unpigmented dichromate.

Hi Chris,

FWIW, Holbein Neutral Tint was the absolute worst, most staining pigment I have ever used (in watercolor - didn't bother to try it for gum as a result of a stain/lift test). I can understand why one might choose to mix their own neutral color, especially since a slight warmth or coolness to such a mix might tend to harmonize upper coats.

As far as neutrality goes, I recently pulled an 18% Kodak neutral gray card from a recent EK color photoguide to show a student learning to print color what a color imbalance was. To my great surprise, it was actually an 18% green card. Imported probably...


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