From: Eric Neilsen (
Date: 03/22/03-09:23:34 AM Z
How to test ferric? Mix up a little Pot. Fer. Cyan., a pinch, in a 25ml
distilled water. Put a drop of your ferric in. What color does it
turn? Blue? BAD ask for replacement or repair your ferric. Brown? It
is OK.
Do you dry your paper with a hair dryer? Air dry?
You also don't mention your light source.
Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street
Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
-----Original Message-----
From: david distefano []
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: unprintable
I have come into some difficulty that I hope someone will be able to get
me back on track. I tried to print some new negs and they were
absolutely horrible. I spent hours trying to get a decent print. The
negs were developed as I usually do. So last night I took some old negs
that always printed well. These negs also printed just gawd awful. The
shadows were weak and no detail was visable the high values were
lifeless. I followed my formula to a tee. The P.Ox. is about a year old.
I filter it after every use, The Fer. Ox. is new. All chemicals were
purchased from B&S so I know that they are in good shape. At this moment
I can't get a print to save my life. Any suggestions?
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