From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/23/03-12:53:17 AM Z
Dear List,
I often suggest that folks "ask the list," which finds answers for almost
everything. So before I give answer about how to get a copy of
Post-Factory (with many thanks to Sandy for the plug), here's my question:
Why is it that ANY time ANYONE else uses my computer, no matter how
superior their skills and careful their behavior, I am left with a mess?
This afternoon a visiting fireperson used Explorer, and now my z-term is
wiggy. Grrrrrr....
I mention this because the cursor is out of control, so I will be brief:
I'll send full subscription info to anyone who requests it OFFLIST, but
meanwhile, whoever in the US or Canada puts two dollar bills in an
envelope (folded into a sheet of heavy-ish paper) and mails to
Post-Factory, 61 Morton Street, New York, NY 10014, with the words "Issue
#8" written somewhere in the vicinity, can have that issue as "free
introductory copy for the cost of the postage." Or, should you wish it
LITERALLY for the cost of the postage and are in the US, send a check for
To other countries, it takes 6 International Reply coupons to cover
(approximately) the postage.
Meanwhile, thanks to Niranjan for asking such an excellent question.
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| >
| <>
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Niranjan Patel wrote:
> Post Factory PhotographySandy:
> How do I get hold of a copy?
> Thanks.
> Niranjan.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sandy King
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 1:56 PM
> Subject: Post Factory Photography
> With this short note I would like to express my appreciation to Judy Seigel for her efforts in putting together the latest issue of Post-Factory Photography. I have found all of the past issues of this publication to be informative, useful and well written, and this number is no exception. In fact, it may well be the best of them all, with some highly useful information about vdb, kallitype, albumen, and a non-salt salt process that I am sure to try at some point in the future. And to top it all off, virtually nothing about cyanotype and gum!!!!.
> Sandy King
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