Re: Post Factory Photography

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Date: 03/23/03-01:08:46 AM Z

Judy—try rebooting the puter, that should fix the cursor...... Z-TERM??????
heheheh haven't used that in years! Maybe Bill Gates has rigged Microsoft
Explorer's code so that it blasts programs like Z-Term. Usually if I have a
program go "wiggy" on my Mac, I toss the preference file for the program—9
times out of 10 that will correct the problem.

I knew the NYFD was great, but I didn't know they made house calls to put out
virtual fires on computers.

Great issue of PFJP.

Mark Nelson

In a message dated 3/23/03 12:56:36 AM, writes:

<< I often suggest that folks "ask the list," which finds answers for almost
everything. So before I give answer about how to get a copy of
Post-Factory (with many thanks to Sandy for the plug), here's my question:
Why is it that ANY time ANYONE else uses my computer, no matter how
superior their skills and careful their behavior, I am left with a mess?
This afternoon a visiting fireperson used Explorer, and now my z-term is
wiggy. Grrrrrr....

I mention this because the cursor is out of control, so I will be brief: >>

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