From: Linas Kudzma (
Date: 05/19/03-08:17:00 AM Z
I just read your Kallitype article on Excellent! Ia??ve experimented with the procedure you posted here a while back with some success.
During my trials I used a different clearing method (my Pd/Pt development/clearing method) resulting in some variation from what you describe. Basically, what I do is develop for about 30-45 seconds, decant(and save)the developer and then clear with one or two changes of a hot (120F) solution of citric acid (approx 5 gm citric in about 1 liter) for about 5 min. My reasoning is that any longer in the developer (potassium oxalate for Pd/Pt, sodium citrate for Kallitype) does not contribute to the image formation, rather only undesirably clears iron into the developer, which I intend to reuse. So I change from developer to the clearing bath earlier. My hot citric acid clearing bath works great for normal Pd/Pt. However, with Kallitype this hot clearing bath turns the Kallitype image bright yellow. Subsequent Pd or Pt toning by your method turns this yellow back to a strong dark image, which while beautiful in ita??s own way, is subtly less sharp than my Pd/Pt prints. Even if the color is identical, I can distinguish these Kallitypes from my Pd/Pt prints. This was on Crane's 90# Cover or Stonehenge.
I suspect my hot citric acid bleaching and subsequent toning is the difference. Anyone else see such a yellow image after clearing? By yellow, I mean bright yellow, not light brown.
Linas Kudzma
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