From: Darryl Baird (
Date: 09/25/03-05:17:51 PM Z
Good thoughts. I'll add there are some neighborhoods where you also
can't leave anything out in plain sight because the neighbors will
object. I have friends who have a rental condo and neighbors complain
about laundry left on the balcony... it's a lakefront and people leave
wet swimming suits out to dry. The neighbors obviously don't have a life!
My point (yes, there really is one) being we live in a very sharing
community, one theft doesn't spoil the whole place. In fact, it (a
surreptitious book) might possibly have a slightly positive outcome as
Kodak stops its R&D in pursuit of digital ends and we become more and
more a voice of the new antiquarian future... (homage to Lyle Rexer's
excellent book title.)
In another light, anything "taken" out of the context of this list is
surely limited by the real lack of practical perspective. Just try to
wring any one process out of the archives, it is wildly opinionated and
diverse... nothing ever really final is ever said. Just think how many
times we have revisited topics like paper, contrast, negatives,
sharpness, etc. ad nauseum.
Katharine Thayer wrote:
>Last thoughts on the copyright question:
>Dave asked if there have been misappropriations of material from this
>list; Judy's reply is informative in this regard.
>But the reason I brought it up is because a friend whispered to me that
>someone may be planning to publish a manual on gum printing that draws
>heavily from information shared on this list. I have shared a lot of my
>knowledge about gum printing here and would hate to have to regret my
>generosity; I would hate it not only for myself but for all of us,
>because if experts can't share their knowledge here without fearing
>that it will be packaged and sold in a form not of their choosing,
>that's the end of us as a useful forum.
>I realize full well that if the person decides to do that, there's not
>much I can do about it, but the question for the would-be thief
>shouldn't be "Can I get away with it?" but "Is it right?" or even more
>to the point, "What kind of community do I want to live in?" There are
>neighborhoods, for example, where you can't leave anything out, like
>say lawn furniture, because anything out where others can see it will
>be sure to be stolen. That's not the kind of neighborhood I want to live
>in, and I've noticed that even people who steal others' stuff don't like
>to have their own stuff stolen.
>And it's also possible that my informant was misinformed, (a
>misinformant) in which case there's no problem, but I still think it's a
>good idea for us to remind each other now and then of how we want and
>don't want the information we share here to be used.
>Katharine Thayer
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