The reason for hardening the gelatine size used for gum printing is to
prevent it from washing off when you print several layers, which
protects the paper from pigment staining.
Kate Mahoney
-----Original Message-----
From: henk thijs []
Sent: Saturday, 25 December 2004 11:29 p.m.
Subject: oil-print-glyoxal??
>Ryuji Suzuki wrote:
>> From: Katharine Thayer <>
>> Subject: Re: oil-print-glyoxal??
>> Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 09:35:50 +0000
>> > Something to consider while you're pondering this question: paper
>> > manufacturers who gel-size their paper do not use a hardener with
>> the > gelatin (although they do add a fungicide).
>> How do you know this? And how do you know that other ingredients do
>> not lend to decrease the swelling of gelatin?
>I know this because I asked paper manufacturers and this is what they
>told me. My question was, do you add anything to your gelatin size to
>harden the gelatin? and the answer was no, we don't. I was told that
>they do add a fungicide whose purpose is to retard mold growth in the
>unhardened gelatin. . Katharine Thayer
HI Katherine,
Thanks for the answer; I use different watercolor 300grs for the
oil-process (apart from old silver-gelatine papers after a bath in
plain hypo, the easiest way to get an oil-paper).
But the next question would be: why the hardening by gum-prints after
sizing with gelatine. Isn't the purpose for this treatmentn also not
to prevent mold-growth?
-- -------------------------------------- H e n k T h i j s - P h o t o g r a p h y photography member of F68 -------------------------------------- -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.4 - Release Date: 22/12/2004 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.6.4 - Release Date: 22/12/2004Received on Sat Dec 25 05:29:13 2004
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