I've still not found the recipe/formula . . but, Kodak's info states it
is not a substitute for Kodalith developer. Kodak says, "By using
Kodalith Fine Line Developer, the loss of highlight and shadow contrast
can be avoided comletely. Halftone can be copied as strait line work,
without re-screening, giving reproductions of much better quality."
You use Ortho Film, Type 2 exposed for 75% of the normal time for it
when using Kodalith developer. "Place face up in Fine Line Developer,
agitate for 20 seconds until a faint image appears, press to bottom of
tray (glass is preferred) and allow to develop w/out agitation for a
total time of 2 - 2/12 minutes."
"At the very end of the development period, the negative may be held
up for examination for a few seconds. Here Kodak recommends the glass
tray w/safelight underneath. Best results are obtained, at least for
lithographic printing, with negatives that appear rather dark."
Jack Fulton
On Oct 6, 2004, at 6:21 AM, Dave Soemarko wrote:
I have the recipe, though I looked through my files yesterday but
find it. When/if I find it, I will post it.
The other way of getting similar effect with fine line developer is to
dilute kodalith and do still development (agitate for the first minute
then let it stand for the remaining development time).
Dave S
Received on Wed Oct 6 08:41:57 2004
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