RE: Ultrafine Clear Film and Epson 2200

From: Don Bryant ^lt;>
Date: 10/19/04-09:38:42 PM Z
Message-id: <>


I know I must sound like a broken record, or cd as the case may be, but if a
substrate does not function well with your ink, ie, print smoothly, sharply
and dry properly in normal use, then you are wasting time and money using
it.  Substrates are designed work with certain inks and to take certain
inkloads—or not.

Your point is well intentioned but you can't blame us for trying to utilize
other substrates. It bothers me a lot to be totally dependent on one
specific manufacturer for materials needed to produce inkjet negatives. I
can only hope that Agfa will get off their assets and distribute the Select
Jet material in the US. Pictorico needs some competition here if for no
other reason to drive the cost of product down.

> Dick couldn't tell them apart

That's really cool news about Mr. Arentz's prints. I assume he is back home
now from Turkey and working on a new portfolio.

Received on Tue Oct 19 21:38:49 2004

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