Yves Gauvreau wrote:
> I suppose then that doing just like is done in carbon printing ie using an
> intermediate "tissue" to "correct" (1 ) the problem of in depth
> insolubilisation in high pigment density and relatively high thickness
> coating, even if it's made of gum instead of gelatine, this would probably
> not qualify as a single coat gum print???
Remember that whereas unhardened gelatin is not soluble in cold or
lukewarm water, gum is. The hardened gum is also very much more delicate
than the gelatin (ie. has less physical strength). This effectively
prevents a transfer process like that used in carbon. This is not to say
that it has not been attempted, or may even be possible (I'm under the
impression that some of the more esoteric gum protocols of days gone by
were indeed using some sort of transfer, but I've never seen any
details). If you figure out a way to do it, let me know!
Best regards,
Tom Einar
Received on Tue Dec 13 14:42:40 2005
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