Date: 07/30/05-10:59:11 PM Z
Message-id: <>


Rest assured that Fresson does not translate into Chakalis in French, English,
Greek or any other languege known to man . . . but I am flattered. Thank You!

Please feel free to contact me for information as offered up by Judy.

On an artistic plane, I think the process provides a very beautiful rendering
of a photograph that is not achievable through any other means. On a
business level, I admire the Fresson family for having maintained the only
commerical, non-silver printing processs in continuous use for over 100 years.
 My own work has been driven by the idea that the process would have/will
evolve far beyond its present capability, as more people are able to work with
it and further refine its capabilities (the two heads are better than one
theory . . . good heads are assumed).

For those who were unable to attend APIS 2005, I announced that my process
development work is complete. I am shifting my energies towards the use of the
 process artistically. The prints that I shared provided the ability to
compare my method directly with the monochrome and duotone Fresson processes.
Of the many people who looked at my prints, I can assure you there was not a
single person who challanged my claim. Though the chemistry is crucial, it is
a very physical process and my coating methods are probably unlike the
Fressons', which translates into slightly different asethic . . . void of
egoism . . . I prefer my rendition. Exactly how this plays out is still
open, but I plan to have the capability to print my own work, as well as to
someday provide workshop instruction and materials for general use. That's
one short statement, which requires one heck of a lot of time and money . . .
as I write this note equipment and pieces and parts are in shipment.

Lastly, I honestly believe that my own work will actually help the Fresson
family maintain their business. If you want a Fresson print, there is only
one place to go and thats to a workshop located on the outskits of Paris . . .
some very beautful prints can be found there.

Sincerely, Art

On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 08:29:38 -0400 (EDT), Grafist wrote
> In a message dated 30/07/05 02:42:37 GMT Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > On Fri, 29 Jul 2005, wrote:
> >
> > > You might want to contact Art Chikalis, who (I believe) is on this
> >
> > ^^^^^^^^^
> > Chakalis
> > ^
> > In an article titled "Une Visite a l'Atelier Fresson," Art describes his
> > own actual visit to the still living studio of the ultra secret Fresson
> > society (somewhat on a par with the Turin Shroud society, I gather) along
> > with a recent photo of himself at the atelier with several other people,
> > two of whom are named Fresson.
> .................................................
> Thanks Judy for the Fresson story, so far in a nut shell in PF No.
> 9. How many readers of this are now led to believe ;
> Fresson = Direct carbon Chakalis = Direct carbon
> therefore, Chakalis = Fresson?
> Good luck Art.
> John Grocott - Photographist.

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Received on Sat Jul 30 21:59:38 2005

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