July 2005 Alt-Photo-Process-L By Author

AuthorSubject Date
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/30/05-10:59:11 PM Z
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/30/05-02:33:50 PM Z
Adam Kimball
 Re: New Epson's and PDN07/27/05-04:21:15 PM Z
 Re: New Epson's and PDN07/25/05-02:21:56 PM Z
 New Epson's and PDN07/24/05-09:32:03 PM Z
 I'm back.. again ;)07/22/05-11:14:16 AM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-12:50:18 PM Z
Alan Mynett
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/26/05-12:29:30 AM Z
 RE: contact frame question07/04/05-02:07:50 AM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W  Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/15/05-06:40:44 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/14/05-06:25:45 AM Z
 Re: A couple of questions.07/05/05-08:32:16 AM Z
Art Chakalis
 Re: Direct Carbon Business Wise07/31/05-09:50:06 AM Z
Baird, Darryl
 RE: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-02:00:47 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/20/05-08:12:30 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/20/05-05:46:35 PM Z
 Move over Dan Burkholder and Mark Nelson, here comes FUJI 'electronic' film07/17/05-05:29:07 PM Z
 RE: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-07:29:05 AM Z
 I thought you would like to know07/17/05-01:49:10 PM Z
Barry Kleider
 lens questions - redux07/06/05-10:13:40 PM Z
 lens questions07/06/05-12:31:40 AM Z
Best, Dianne
 Adios, farewell, bon voyage...07/15/05-01:13:36 PM Z
 FW: A couple of questions.07/06/05-06:36:29 AM Z
Bob and Carla
 Re: Dag workshop07/25/05-05:32:01 PM Z
 RE: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON found Allen Vogel?07/31/05-08:13:10 AM Z
 RE: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/31/05-07:27:13 AM Z
 RE: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/31/05-07:23:07 AM Z
 DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/29/05-11:48:08 AM Z
 RE: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-07:04:02 AM Z
 RE: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/19/05-06:29:39 AM Z
 RE: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-09:22:52 AM Z
 RE: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-06:02:08 AM Z
 RE: DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-05:35:02 AM Z
 RE: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/15/05-05:50:13 AM Z
 RE: Silly little Kodak History question.07/15/05-05:48:16 AM Z
 RE: Silly little Kodak History question.07/14/05-06:32:21 AM Z
 RE: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-02:32:56 PM Z
 RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-07:45:13 AM Z
 RE: Scopick - the book07/08/05-01:01:18 PM Z
 RE: lens questions - redux07/07/05-06:08:01 AM Z
 lens questions, my 3rd cent07/06/05-08:50:30 AM Z
 RE: lens questions, my 2 cents07/06/05-08:48:04 AM Z
Bob Maxey
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/29/05-10:08:44 PM Z
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Newsfrom Ilford07/25/05-01:18:38 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/15/05-01:18:56 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/14/05-02:17:27 PM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/14/05-02:11:43 PM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.07/12/05-02:42:34 PM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/02/05-01:46:04 AM Z
Carmen Lizardo
 Hard gloss coating and mounting a digital print onto a rigid surface07/31/05-09:27:03 AM Z
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-03:52:26 PM Z
 Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-08:00:58 AM Z
 Icebergs07/29/05-08:45:39 AM Z
 RE: contact frame question07/03/05-01:05:54 AM Z
 Is there a need for a AlternativeProcessesBoard?07/01/05-09:20:59 AM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/29/05-09:01:29 AM Z
 Re: help with German book07/27/05-08:03:14 AM Z
 Re: Fugitive Pigments07/26/05-01:36:59 PM Z
 Re: help with German book07/26/05-01:36:11 PM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-01:27:57 PM Z
 Re: help with German gum book07/25/05-04:17:22 PM Z
 help with German gum book07/25/05-11:42:24 AM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/23/05-07:33:09 AM Z
 Re: gelatin hardener (Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening)07/23/05-08:05:46 AM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/21/05-07:31:40 AM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-03:45:53 PM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-11:12:23 AM Z
 Re: Kallitype humidity problems07/16/05-08:52:48 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-08:41:38 AM Z
 Re: APIS, looong post07/13/05-05:23:08 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-04:57:50 PM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/13/05-08:34:46 AM Z
 APIS, looong post07/13/05-08:09:29 AM Z
 Re: APIS07/04/05-03:10:09 PM Z
 hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/01/05-02:34:29 PM Z
christine shepherd
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-11:28:01 AM Z
Christopher Lovenguth
 RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/14/05-07:17:07 AM Z
dan jones
 argyrotype paper07/20/05-09:18:10 AM Z
Dave Rose
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/30/05-10:04:04 PM Z
 Re: Best Way to Post Prints?07/30/05-07:52:38 AM Z
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/29/05-09:46:05 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-09:15:22 PM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/12/05-11:24:57 PM Z
 OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/12/05-08:45:44 PM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/09/05-07:48:08 AM Z
 Re: Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/01/05-08:04:52 PM Z
Dave Soemarko
 RE: I'm back.. again ;)07/25/05-10:24:13 AM Z
David & Jan Harris
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-12:55:49 PM Z
 Fugitive pigments07/25/05-10:31:59 AM Z
 Re: Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-09:36:51 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-07:52:08 AM Z
 Trugrain negative film07/09/05-02:18:58 PM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/09/05-11:44:09 AM Z
 Scopick - the book07/08/05-01:43:48 PM Z
 Re: lens questions - redux07/07/05-01:23:13 AM Z
 Re: Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/02/05-11:43:21 AM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/02/05-11:39:44 AM Z
 Re: Single coat Gum Print..Negative aspects07/01/05-01:59:27 PM Z
 Re: Single coat Gum Print..Negative aspects07/01/05-01:31:04 PM Z
Don Bryant
 RE: printer message?07/26/05-08:24:52 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/24/05-08:20:52 PM Z
 Contrast control of kallitype prints07/22/05-08:21:14 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/22/05-08:16:20 PM Z
 RE: Kallitype07/21/05-05:40:23 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/20/05-08:44:25 PM Z
 RE: Kallitype humidity problems07/16/05-06:48:16 PM Z
 RE: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-08:13:15 PM Z
 RE: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-04:03:47 PM Z
 RE: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-03:48:42 PM Z
 RE: Scopick - the book07/08/05-01:59:42 PM Z
 RE: A couple of questions.07/05/05-10:13:16 AM Z
 RE: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/02/05-04:42:38 PM Z
Ehud Yaniv
 View camera vs. field camera ( was RE: A couple of questions.)07/05/05-06:40:01 PM Z
 RE: A couple of questions.07/05/05-09:27:39 AM Z
 A couple of questions.07/04/05-11:34:54 PM Z
 Re: Epson 2400 & Epson R1800 vs Epson 220007/30/05-02:05:55 PM Z
 Epson 2400 & Epson R1800 vs Epson 220007/29/05-04:01:53 PM Z
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/29/05-12:59:03 PM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-07:18:36 PM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-01:58:18 PM Z
 Re: help with German gum book07/25/05-09:20:25 PM Z
 APIS07/22/05-12:09:48 PM Z
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-12:01:27 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/11/05-12:38:13 AM Z
Eric Maquiling
 Re: contact frame question07/02/05-11:11:26 AM Z
 contact frame question07/02/05-10:25:46 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 RE: Best Way to Post Prints?07/29/05-05:13:26 PM Z
 RE: Organization of CDs07/28/05-02:44:06 PM Z
 RE: Speedball Photo Resist07/21/05-08:32:08 AM Z
 Chrysotype (RE: Kallitype humidity problems)07/17/05-02:37:53 PM Z
 RE: Kallitype humidity problems07/17/05-12:21:41 PM Z
 RE: Kallitype humidity problems07/17/05-11:47:46 AM Z
 RE: A question of chemistry?07/15/05-10:28:19 AM Z
 RE: A question of chemistry?07/14/05-04:06:37 PM Z
 Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/01/05-08:30:56 AM Z
 Re: Organization of CDs07/28/05-09:17:39 PM Z
 RE: Organization of CDs07/28/05-09:25:37 AM Z
 Re: New Epson's and PDN07/27/05-07:31:21 AM Z
 Re: RE: printer message?07/26/05-03:58:13 PM Z
 Re: Quick Digi neg Tutorial07/14/05-02:37:19 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-09:02:04 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/16/05-08:00:44 AM Z
 Re: Kodak07/14/05-09:34:36 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-06:11:33 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-05:32:41 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-02:22:28 PM Z
 Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-09:58:19 AM Z
 Fixing van Dyke07/13/05-06:28:28 PM Z
Geng Xin
 Re[7]: talk with her tablets07/19/05-07:26:35 PM Z
George L Smyth
 Re: Fixing van Dyke07/14/05-05:55:58 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/13/05-05:50:18 AM Z
 Re: A couple of questions.07/05/05-06:45:05 PM Z
Gerry Giliberti
 (no subject)07/25/05-09:09:58 AM Z
 RE: I thought you would like to know07/18/05-07:19:44 AM Z
 RE: Kodak07/14/05-09:33:18 AM Z
 RE: Rotary processing 5x1207/13/05-07:32:45 AM Z
Giovanni Di Mase
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-10:09:57 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-05:16:40 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-02:28:30 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-05:17:42 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-05:12:23 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/29/05-11:52:29 AM Z
 polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/29/05-07:19:59 AM Z
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-12:24:14 PM Z
 Re: Fixing van Dyke07/14/05-01:27:13 PM Z
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/31/05-05:58:47 AM Z
 Direct Carbon Business Wise07/31/05-03:18:17 AM Z
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/30/05-06:29:38 AM Z
Greg Schmitz
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/14/05-07:12:36 PM Z
 RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/14/05-07:36:18 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Riddance.07/13/05-04:33:16 PM Z
halvor bjørngård
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-06:37:51 AM Z
Hamish Stewart
 Re: Kate's new gums :)07/27/05-06:23:27 PM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/24/05-09:33:03 AM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/09/05-04:56:48 PM Z
 Re: Life of gum dichromate mixture07/02/05-05:17:18 PM Z
Harry Smart
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/13/05-07:15:15 AM Z
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-08:22:29 AM Z
henk thijs
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-04:21:33 PM Z
 Re: help with German book07/27/05-06:34:50 AM Z
 heinrich kuehn 'der gummidruck'07/25/05-04:03:30 PM Z
 Re: help with German gum book07/25/05-01:29:11 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/25/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/18/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/11/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/04/05-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder07/01/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/08/05-02:03:08 PM Z
Jack Brubaker
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-02:10:37 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-01:57:01 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/29/05-03:33:04 PM Z
 Re: Comments please?01/10/04-07:02:08 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-03:47:59 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-09:08:17 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-09:06:26 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-05:12:43 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-01:58:35 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black07/16/05-06:40:24 PM Z
Jean Hanson
 Re: A question of chemistry?07/15/05-12:22:47 PM Z
Jeff Sumner
 Re: printer message?07/26/05-03:53:40 PM Z
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-07:35:00 AM Z
 Re: contact frame question07/02/05-09:29:02 PM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: Epson 2400 & Epson R1800 vs Epson 220007/30/05-04:47:55 AM Z
Jeremy Moore
 Re: Move over Dan Burkholder and Mark Nelson, here comes FUJI 'electronic' film07/17/05-05:43:02 PM Z
 Re: Move over Dan Burkholder and Mark Nelson, here comes FUJI 'electronic' film07/17/05-05:41:56 PM Z
joachim oppenheimer
 RE: Organization of CDs07/28/05-02:46:34 PM Z
 RE: Organization of CDs07/28/05-09:49:42 AM Z
 RE: Organization of CDs07/28/05-08:46:47 AM Z
 Organization of CDs07/27/05-08:38:49 AM Z
 RE: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-03:04:28 PM Z
Joe Smigiel
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-04:51:50 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/20/05-08:08:58 PM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.07/12/05-03:41:39 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box--1000 watt bulb?07/12/05-01:16:29 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-07:16:56 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-02:27:36 PM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/08/05-02:35:51 PM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/03/05-01:38:02 AM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/03/05-01:32:51 AM Z
John Brewer
 Re: A question of chemistry?07/15/05-12:36:02 PM Z
 Re: contact frame question07/02/05-10:59:34 AM Z
 Life of gum dichromate mixture07/01/05-12:43:24 PM Z
John Cremati
 Re: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-05:51:41 AM Z
 Re: Speedball Photo Resist07/20/05-08:42:20 PM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-11:22:04 AM Z
 Re: Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-01:09:18 PM Z
 Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-01:02:16 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-09:21:08 AM Z
 Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-06:19:45 AM Z
 Kodak07/14/05-07:32:16 AM Z
 Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-07:19:38 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/13/05-07:10:10 AM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/08/05-02:02:09 PM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 RE: Best Way to Post Prints?07/30/05-08:52:01 AM Z
 Icebergs / Follow-up: the particulars, for those who are interested07/29/05-07:40:40 PM Z
 RE: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-05:57:42 AM Z
 Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-05:33:10 AM Z
 Photo/San Francisco - Visit07/10/05-07:48:58 AM Z
 RE: A couple of questions.07/05/05-06:33:02 AM Z
 Re: APIS07/22/05-12:38:30 PM Z
Juan Miguel Jusdado
 RE: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/30/05-01:21:10 AM Z
 Re: Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-08:46:47 AM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-08:37:13 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-04:24:56 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-04:17:34 PM Z
 test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-11:31:00 AM Z
Judy Seigel
 PVA vs. PVA07/31/05-08:33:59 PM Z
 Re: DIGITAL NEGS FOR FRESSON?07/29/05-07:40:22 PM Z
 RE: help with German book07/26/05-07:46:49 PM Z
 RE: argyrotype paper07/24/05-09:29:00 PM Z
 on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/24/05-09:07:35 PM Z
 RE: Scopick - the book07/08/05-07:21:23 PM Z
 Re: Single coat Gum Print..Negative aspects07/07/05-12:38:45 PM Z
 Re: Single coat Gum Print..Negative aspects07/01/05-01:43:17 PM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Riddance.07/13/05-03:34:05 PM Z
Kate M
 RE: Best Way to Post Prints?07/30/05-06:21:00 PM Z
 RE: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/30/05-04:58:30 AM Z
 RE: Kate's new gums :)07/27/05-02:25:28 PM Z
 RE: Organization of archives07/27/05-02:21:38 PM Z
 RE: Kate's new gums :)07/27/05-04:52:13 AM Z
 RE: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-03:43:11 PM Z
 RE: help with German book07/26/05-03:38:00 PM Z
 RE: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/24/05-09:24:31 PM Z
 RE: Comments please?07/24/05-02:38:01 PM Z
 RE: Comments please?07/22/05-02:28:56 PM Z
 RE: Comments please?07/22/05-02:27:57 PM Z
 RE: Comments please?07/22/05-05:14:00 AM Z
 Comments please?07/21/05-07:46:05 PM Z
 RE: APIS, looong post07/14/05-03:23:27 PM Z
 RE: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-03:21:43 PM Z
 RE: test images: screw-in BLB UV box--1000 watt bulb?07/12/05-03:02:24 PM Z
 RE: Scopick - the book07/08/05-04:05:39 PM Z
 RE: lens questions07/06/05-03:03:38 PM Z
 RE: A couple of questions.07/05/05-04:33:46 AM Z
 RE: Life of gum dichromate mixture07/01/05-04:02:03 PM Z
 RE: Single coat Gum Print..Negative aspects07/01/05-12:43:09 AM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: Hard gloss coating and mounting a digital print onto a rigid surface07/31/05-05:58:39 AM Z
 Re: Hard gloss coating and mounting a digital print onto a rigid surface07/31/05-05:26:41 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-04:04:20 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-02:55:57 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-05:44:27 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-02:04:34 AM Z
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/29/05-11:28:01 AM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/29/05-11:22:23 AM Z
 Re: Organization of archives07/27/05-02:34:37 AM Z
 Re: Kate's new gums :)07/27/05-02:31:28 AM Z
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-10:14:08 PM Z
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-03:01:01 PM Z
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Newsfrom Ilford07/25/05-06:49:48 AM Z
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Newsfrom Ilford07/25/05-06:39:38 AM Z
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-06:34:31 AM Z
 Re: Fugitive pigments07/25/05-04:44:48 AM Z
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/24/05-04:31:06 PM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/22/05-09:24:21 AM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/22/05-03:13:10 AM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/22/05-02:20:59 AM Z
 Re: Comments please?07/21/05-03:55:22 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/16/05-02:21:48 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-06:22:12 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-02:14:19 AM Z
 Re: APIS, looong post07/14/05-10:07:54 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-04:09:19 AM Z
 Sizing, glyoxal (was: Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-11:32:52 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-09:39:45 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-09:14:12 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-09:09:58 AM Z
 Re: APIS, looong post07/13/05-02:24:23 AM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/09/05-01:15:28 AM Z
 Re: Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/02/05-05:21:01 AM Z
 Re: Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/02/05-01:06:01 AM Z
 Re: Life of gum dichromate mixture07/01/05-09:11:08 AM Z
 Re: Tri-Color Gum Exposure and Development07/01/05-02:57:30 AM Z
 Re: Is there a need for a AlternativeProcessesBoard?07/01/05-02:41:23 AM Z
Keith Gerling
 RE: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/30/05-01:17:33 PM Z
 RE: Icebergs07/30/05-12:49:59 PM Z
 Line film with PMK07/14/05-01:18:28 AM Z
 Re: A question of chemistry?07/15/05-10:38:42 AM Z
 Re: A question of chemistry?07/15/05-08:16:33 AM Z
 A question of chemistry?07/14/05-03:43:45 PM Z
 Re: Organization of CDs07/27/05-04:22:51 PM Z
 Re: Scopick - the book07/08/05-04:29:16 PM Z
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-06:57:41 AM Z
 Re: A couple of questions.07/05/05-11:22:16 AM Z
Liam Lawless
 Ware Chrysotype (was RE: Kallitype humidity problems)07/16/05-07:36:53 PM Z
Loris Medici
 Re: Judy, it's Kokorec :)07/07/05-01:41:01 PM Z
Louis de Stoutz
 Densitometer questions07/13/05-03:20:10 PM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/26/05-01:20:01 PM Z
 Photographic chemistry getting hard to find07/15/05-09:35:55 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-02:27:29 PM Z
Marie Wohadlo
 RE: Organization of archives07/27/05-11:37:56 AM Z
 Organization of archives07/27/05-08:58:09 AM Z
 Dag workshop07/25/05-03:21:20 PM Z
 Re: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-02:43:20 PM Z
Maro Vandorou
 RE: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-01:18:20 PM Z
 Re: BOBs post about POP.......................DuPont Velour Black07/20/05-12:37:46 AM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-11:49:25 AM Z
 Re: BOBs post about POP.......................DuPont Velour Black07/18/05-12:01:46 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black07/18/05-03:28:14 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-11:16:05 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-12:32:36 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-10:11:38 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-10:55:43 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-04:20:07 AM Z
 Bulletin de la Société française de photographie07/06/05-06:01:27 AM Z
Matthew Miller
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/21/05-04:24:28 PM Z
Michael Koch-Schulte
 The Eternal Archive was Organization of archives07/29/05-08:02:25 AM Z
 Re: help with German gum book07/26/05-07:10:56 AM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/04/05-02:39:29 PM Z
 Re: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/02/05-08:15:09 AM Z
 RE: A couple of questions.07/05/05-01:34:12 PM Z
Nels Johnson
 Re: Organization of CDs07/28/05-01:57:20 PM Z
 Re: Kallitype humidity problems07/16/05-11:51:24 AM Z
 Kallitype humidity problems07/14/05-10:10:23 AM Z
Nick Zentena
 Re: View camera vs. field camera ( was RE: A couple of questions.)07/05/05-06:52:23 PM Z
 Re: contact frame question07/02/05-11:21:46 AM Z
 Re: contact frame question07/02/05-11:08:57 AM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/21/05-02:24:34 PM Z
Paul Lehman
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-09:20:16 PM Z
pawel gega.
 Re: help with German gum book07/26/05-01:49:32 AM Z
 Re: Paper negatives with zone system07/16/05-09:22:03 AM Z
 Paper negatives and Zone System07/14/05-01:43:08 AM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: Kallitype humidity problems07/17/05-04:53:05 PM Z
Peter Williams
 RE: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford07/25/05-03:57:35 AM Z
 RE: hard drive fry and upcoming show, and APIS!!!07/01/05-10:41:42 PM Z
Phillip Murphy
 Daguerreotype master at work...07/27/05-11:49:34 PM Z
Rainer Ortlieb
 Re: help with German gum book07/25/05-02:55:02 PM Z
Randy Hendrix
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/29/05-03:43:58 AM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/29/05-03:20:58 AM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/29/05-12:22:11 AM Z
 Re: gelatin hardener (Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening)07/23/05-04:21:43 AM Z
 Re: BOBs post about POP.......................DuPont Velour Black07/18/05-12:50:41 PM Z
 DuPont Velour Black07/16/05-10:49:37 AM Z
 new user testing...07/15/05-11:05:02 AM Z
 Quick Digi neg Tutorial07/14/05-12:49:54 PM Z
 Re: Re: help with German gum book07/25/05-09:59:02 PM Z
 Re: Re: New Epson's and PDN07/25/05-03:16:19 PM Z
 Re: New Epson's and PDN07/25/05-12:54:31 PM Z
 Re: Re: argyrotype paper07/21/05-03:26:36 PM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/24/05-10:17:41 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-01:38:38 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-01:27:12 PM Z
 Re: I thought you would like to know07/17/05-06:39:46 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-04:55:03 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-12:30:14 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji, DuPont Velour Black07/17/05-11:46:00 AM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black07/16/05-11:41:30 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/16/05-01:15:20 AM Z
 Attention List Minders07/15/05-06:41:36 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-02:54:32 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/15/05-02:52:46 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-02:30:12 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/14/05-12:42:58 PM Z
 Re: Paper negatives and Zone System07/14/05-04:21:15 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-06:05:16 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-03:37:46 PM Z
 Re: RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-09:12:31 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/12/05-09:15:24 PM Z
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-10:16:28 AM Z
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-02:05:55 AM Z
 Re: View camera vs. field camera ( was RE: A couple of questions.)07/05/05-07:53:18 PM Z
Richard Sullivan
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/28/05-01:51:23 PM Z
 The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/26/05-01:14:26 PM Z
 Re: APIS, looong post07/13/05-03:09:37 PM Z
 Re: APIS, looong post07/13/05-01:58:45 PM Z
 The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/11/05-12:16:52 PM Z
 Re: APIS07/04/05-09:18:49 AM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/27/05-12:47:32 AM Z
 Re: APIS07/04/05-03:50:23 PM Z
 RE: printer message?07/26/05-04:16:43 PM Z
 RE: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-04:02:08 PM Z
 RE: Comments please?07/22/05-10:41:42 AM Z
Robert Hall
 RE: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-12:51:38 PM Z
 RE: help with German gum book07/25/05-03:42:11 PM Z
 RE: help with German gum book07/25/05-01:10:19 PM Z
Robert Newcomb
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/13/05-06:24:34 AM Z
Robert Tilden
 Re: lens questions07/07/05-08:01:47 AM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 RE: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford07/24/05-11:12:35 PM Z
 RE: contact frame question07/02/05-07:43:35 PM Z
roger kockaerts
 alt shows again!07/29/05-07:05:40 AM Z
 alt shows07/29/05-03:13:28 AM Z
roy beecher
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-03:11:21 PM Z
 Re: New Epson's and PDN07/25/05-03:13:38 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box--1000 watt bulb?07/12/05-01:55:39 PM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box--1000 watt bulb?07/12/05-09:51:23 AM Z
 Re: test images: screw-in BLB UV box07/10/05-12:06:50 PM Z
Ryuji Suzuki
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/31/05-11:44:57 AM Z
 Re: Best Way to Post Prints?07/30/05-06:34:40 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-04:40:59 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-02:58:26 PM Z
 Re: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-09:45:38 AM Z
 Re: posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/30/05-12:17:46 AM Z
 posting with anonymity or with a fictitious name07/29/05-01:13:58 AM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/28/05-10:47:46 PM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/28/05-12:21:22 AM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-10:21:34 PM Z
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/26/05-09:57:08 PM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/24/05-11:13:24 PM Z
 Re: gelatin hardener07/24/05-04:14:30 AM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/24/05-04:01:35 AM Z
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-03:44:10 PM Z
 gelatin hardener (Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening)07/22/05-03:35:23 PM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/22/05-02:23:03 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-11:58:07 AM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black AND POP07/18/05-09:56:47 AM Z
 Re: Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-09:10:09 PM Z
 Re: Ryuji Dupont Velour Black...Test07/17/05-07:57:56 PM Z
 Re: DuPont Velour Black07/16/05-06:57:47 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/16/05-09:46:54 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-12:17:39 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-12:13:46 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-01:47:10 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/15/05-01:38:33 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-09:28:40 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-02:45:01 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-08:55:05 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/14/05-08:41:46 AM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-11:08:32 PM Z
 Re: APIS, hydroquinone hardening07/13/05-02:26:09 PM Z
 Re: Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-11:57:32 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-11:43:23 AM Z
 Re: OT, was07/12/05-11:44:54 PM Z
 Arista TEC 2 film07/07/05-06:13:07 PM Z
 Ilford Swiss bought by Oji Paper07/04/05-01:45:06 PM Z
Sam Wang
 RE: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-02:13:36 PM Z
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-09:34:18 AM Z
Sandy King
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-02:24:27 PM Z
 Re: Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-01:18:53 PM Z
 Good day for drying sized papers outside!07/26/05-12:43:18 PM Z
 Re: Kallitype humidity problems07/16/05-12:15:21 PM Z
 Re: Kallitype humidity problems07/16/05-11:24:17 AM Z
 Political Commentary Not Welcome Here!!07/12/05-10:10:54 PM Z
Schuyler Grace
 RE: Best Way to Post Prints?07/30/05-12:24:46 PM Z
 RE: polivinyl alcohol vs. gelatin sizing07/30/05-12:19:07 PM Z
 Best Way to Post Prints?07/29/05-03:27:52 PM Z
 RE: Organization of archives07/27/05-12:13:38 PM Z
 RE: Organization of archives07/27/05-10:44:55 AM Z
 RE: Speedball Photo Resist07/21/05-11:27:37 AM Z
 Speedball Photo Resist07/20/05-08:01:42 PM Z
Scott Small
 Re: The Center for Photographic History and Technology07/29/05-12:48:51 AM Z
Sean McGrath
 Gold DVD-Rs available07/05/05-04:49:20 PM Z
 Re: Summer Ice (Newfoundland icebergs) on my website now07/29/05-11:48:54 AM Z
 Re: on the bright side -- was Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/25/05-12:48:05 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-12:01:34 PM Z
 Re: RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-10:19:04 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.07/12/05-03:54:44 PM Z
 Off List Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.07/12/05-03:51:48 PM Z
 Re: A couple of questions.07/05/05-01:46:01 AM Z
Susan Huber
 Re: BOBs post about POP.......................DuPont Velour Black07/19/05-06:15:40 AM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W  Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/16/05-08:29:35 AM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/16/05-08:31:19 AM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/16/05-08:30:20 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/16/05-08:26:08 AM Z
 Re: RE:Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? News from Ilford at least...07/15/05-06:18:52 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/15/05-06:07:30 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/14/05-06:29:24 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/14/05-06:27:45 AM Z
 Re: OT, was07/13/05-06:30:17 AM Z
 Re: OT, was (Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.)07/13/05-06:29:01 AM Z
 Re: Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued? Good Ridence.07/12/05-06:08:32 AM Z
 RE: Is there a need for a AlternativeProcessesBoard?07/01/05-12:02:17 PM Z
Thom Mitchell
 Re: lens questions07/06/05-08:47:27 AM Z
Tim O'Neill
 RE: Scopick - the book07/08/05-01:59:49 PM Z
Tom Ferguson
 Re: lens questions - redux07/07/05-09:19:15 AM Z
Venkatram Iyer
 Re: Platinum and palladium with cyanotype07/22/05-11:56:15 AM Z
 Re: argyrotype paper07/20/05-08:09:25 PM Z
Victor Loverro
 Re: Rotary processing 5x1207/13/05-06:14:20 PM Z
 Rotary processing 5x1207/12/05-10:25:19 PM Z
Wayne D
 Re: Hard gloss coating and mounting a digital print onto a rigid surface07/31/05-09:37:04 AM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/15/05-01:35:28 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-07:25:00 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-03:46:35 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-03:02:25 PM Z
 Re: Silly little Kodak History question.07/13/05-02:13:30 PM Z
 Re: Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-12:24:03 PM Z
 RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-10:24:53 AM Z
 RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-10:19:50 AM Z
 RE:Just the facts, Ma'am, Just the facts... Kodak B&W Paper Discontinued07/13/05-10:07:42 AM Z
Weber, Scott
 Kallitype07/21/05-05:11:35 PM Z

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : 08/25/05-05:31:53 PM Z CST