Base for enlarged negs.

From: Hans Klemmer ^lt;>
Date: 03/13/05-07:47:21 PM Z
Message-id: <>

Hi everybody,
I'm the proverbial new kid on the block and hope to make my first
enlarged digital negative this week. The question I have for the group
is this: Do I need to use something like "Ultrafine" or other high end
clear film for making digital negatives, or can I use something as low
tech as 3M Transparency film? What qualities should I be looking for in
a film base for my negatives?

Thanks in advance for any input,
Hans Klemmer

P.S. I apologize to the list for sending out a short, personal note a
few days ago. It (probably) won't happen again.

“ The object of painting a picture is not to make a picture- however
unreasonable this may sound. The picture, if a picture results, is a
by-product and may be useful, valuable, interesting as a sign of what
has passed. The object, which is back of every true work of art, is the
attainment of a state of being, a state of high functioning, a more
than ordinary moment of existence.”
Robert Henri

Received on Sun Mar 13 19:47:38 2005

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