Joe -
Since I am at work I could only take a quick glance - I will print them out
tonight. However, your curve looks much closer to what I was expecting to see.
The curves at the other site showed that the author was decreasing contrast
and you are increasing it (I see the "S" curve).
Unless someone has a VD formula where a "normal" negative needs a reduction in
contrast (I doubt it), I cannot see how the other curves could possibly work.
Cheers -
--- Joe Smigiel <> wrote:
> George,
> You might find the following web pages of interest. They summarize some
> tests I ran last year for double-coated Van Dyke Brown printed using a
> digital negative generated in Photoshop and output onto Pictorico OHP
> using an Epson 2200 printer with Ultrachrome inks and printed onto
> Cranes' Kid Finish stationery. Be forewarned of nude content though.
> The pages show before and after curve adjustment pics as well as
> positive/negative files, a graphical depiction of the curve applied to
> the *negative* image file, a table comparing %K values after curving
> and resultant transparency density, and a couple of final prints scanned
> for comparison of two slightly different curves. There are also digital
> density step wedges, both affected and unaffected by the curve
> adjustment, as well as Stouffer 21-step wedges printed along with the
> files.
> Prints were processed in Kalamazoo municipal water using a 2% citric
> acid initial wash and gold-toned using Clerc's gold-toner after fixing.
> :)
> Joe
Handmade Photographic Images -
DRiP Investing -
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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