Beautiful images Carmen - the backlight film gives them a wonderful
luminosity - I am just sorry I cannot see the originals! Its great to see
more examples that demonstrate the versatility of the gum process. Thanks
for sharing
On 15/4/06 22:48, "Carmen Lizardo" <> wrote:
> Dear List,
> Thanks to all who helped me, I have been able to make
> gum prints, and I have been having such a good time!
> Here is the web address if you would like to take a
> look, I welcome all feedback!
> The prints are multiple layers, anywhere between six
> and nine. I like to print very large so the prints are
> approximately 20x26 inches. Digital negatives on Kodak
> backlit film and I use Daniel smith pigments. Oh! I
> tried both glyoxal and glut and discover that I am
> somewhat sensitive to glut and not at all to glyoxal,
> the last hardener has my thumbs up.
> Thank you, thank you for all of your help.
> Carmen
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Received on Mon Apr 17 17:50:15 2006
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