>>>I just tried some saturated potassium dichromate solution on a piece of
lacewood and this morning put it under a NuArc UV plateburner for about
15 minutes. It darkened considerably, so much so that I don't like the
look of the wood any longer.>>>
Perhaps something in the lacewood reacts with the dichromate or could, over time. I do not know and it is likely that is not what is happening. Your undesirable results might have to do with exposure to the NuArcs.
>>>Can you perhaps suggest a particular aniline dye and lacquer combination
for lacewood? I don't think I'll have to worry about parts sliding
together on this simple portrait camera, but it also might be helpful to
know what sort of finish might be appropriate for a full-fledged view
camera where parts are sliding against one another to enable movements
such as swing and shift.>>>
Lots of choices and combinations. I favor the MEK based metal acid dyes, but water base dyes are available and the are less fugitive in nature. I generally use a lacquer over dyes.
When I am fooling around, I use the dyes if powder form. For dying rosette sticks, for example.
Order a copy of Luthier's Mercantile International Catalog. I am not sure of their URL. It will cost you ten-fifteen dollars and besides being a catalog, it offers considerable how-to information and it is well illustrated.
Visit the guitar makers web sites and you can learn about finishing. Also read a few books about basic luthier working methods because they are very concerned with how their instruments look.
I really cannot speak to techniques because there are many. For example, you might try using French polishing techniques, if you have the patience Or shellac and lots of rubbing.
Luck to you,
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Received on Tue Feb 21 13:14:49 2006
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