Well, as I said, I did Argyrotype for a while and then ditched it
because its fussiness overwhelmed its supposed advantages. FWIW, I
found that it did better with double coating, similar to what works
best for me when doing Van Dyke.
I'm not enough of a chemist to be able to comment intelligently about
his chemical arguments about the archival advantages of Argyrotype.
My 'aw-shucks, I'm just a simple caveman' impression of his arguments
is the same as yours: it is still colloidal silver that ends up in
the paper fibers, and there would seem to be no particular advantage
of one over the other in terms of archival stability.
> What would be your comments?
> Regards,
> Loris.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clay [mailto:wcharmon@wt.net]
> Sent: 19 Mart 2006 Pazar 16:07
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Re: Mixing argyrotypes
> ... according to Mike Ware, has distinctly better archival properties
> than either VDB or salt ...
Received on Mon Mar 20 08:18:30 2006
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