Noted... Thanks Don. (I got the same behaviour - I meancooler highlights
- when toning prior fixing)
P.S. Dmax increase was considerable with my prints too. (Didn't
quantitatively measured but its close to - if not over - 1 stop...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Bryant []
Sent: 30 Mart 2006 Perşembe 23:00
Subject: RE: archivalness and alt process
Joe and Loris,
If I may interject something here. I tone prior to fixing. The
highlights turn cooler and the midtones and shadows have a warm mauve
brown. But I'm also adding gold to the sensitizer. I pull the print
prior to getting the high light color that I want to see. I also tone in
a flat bottomed tray with small amounts of toner. I save the used toner
and sometimes mix it with fresh to slow the process. DMAX seems to be
increased. I use Crane's Natural White Wove (aka Cover 90) most of the
Received on Thu Mar 30 14:42:41 2006
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