Re: Encyclopedias

Peter Marshall (
Fri, 7 Jul 95 18:11 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <v01510106ac21c7c84e4a@[]>
> Those close to major libraries and museums may
> have access to them. Those with money can also have access to them by
> simply buying the whole set: US $25,000
> I don't own the set:-(
> Luis Nadeau

Nor do I. I think the ones I do have only cost me a couple of pounds an
issue. I could have bought quite a number of other issues at these
prices, but none of them on topics which interested me. I think it was
probably about three or four years ago, from a dealer in photo books who
usually has a good idea of the value of such things. Perhaps there are
particular issues that are very rare?
