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Re: Threaded Coating Rod

A threaded stud might benefit from having the thread edges smoothed a 
bit since some of them are fairly sharp and could possible scratch the 
paper. A wire-wound rod would be better in this respect.

Stainless bolts (you'd have to cut off the hex end) and studs are 
available if you have a "nuts and bolts" specialty house in your area.

I speak as a former import auto mechanic who has the battle scars to 
prove the above. ;^)

Hope this helps,


Sandy King wrote on 10/3/06, 11:14 AM:

 > Yes, I mean a regular rod that a nut would screw on. And you can pick
 > them up almost anywhere so if anyone is interested in try one in lieu
 > of a glass rod it would be inexpensive to do so.
 > The wire wound rod is another type of coating technology but offers
 > no advantages for sizing paper so far as I see.
