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Re: brush vs tray size for gum

Hello, Camden, Thom, thanks for the attention. I made a page for you and whoever is curious about it to see:<http://www.pajuaba.com.br/temp/Glass_rod_site/> . Any question, please ask me. There are some explanations under the Image Info tab, on the close-up page.
Rodolpho Pajuaba
P.S.: Before you ask, no, the liquid is not VDB emulsion, is a simulation I did with some yellow Ecoline I had in hand. Pretty similar, thou. ;-)

Thom Mitchell escreveu:

Rodolpho, your solution sounds very interesting. I am not yet a printer but I use the list to learn and think about the various processes. Could this be another option? If you fiberglassed a cookie roller or dough rolling pin - the kind with handles on the side - would that work for spreading the solution. Dough rolling pins with handles are cheap and readily available used at your local thrift shop of choice. Fiberglass repair kits would work for the fiberglass sourcing? Another thought might be 1" PVC pipe with end caps mounted onto a paint roller. I don't know enough to know the pros and cons of those ideas but is there a reason they wouldn't work?

Just a thought from someone who hasn't actually done any coating....yet. -thom

Camden Hardy wrote:

Sounds like an interesting contraption. I'd be interested in seeing it.

Camden Hardy
