Re: brush vs tray size for gum
Thanks for posting that. Next chance I get I'll give it a try.
This may be a stupid question, but I can't tell based on the images. Is
the metal rod sealed to the glass tube, or does it allow the tube to roll
like a rolling pin? Common sense tells me it's sealed (resulting in no
movement), but just wanted to make sure.
Camden Hardy
On Fri, October 6, 2006 8:46 am, Rodolpho Pajuaba wrote:
> Hello, Camden, Thom, thanks for the attention. I made a page for you and
> whoever is curious about it to
> see:<> . Any question,
> please ask me. There are some explanations under the Image Info tab, on
> the close-up page.
> Regards,
> Rodolpho Pajuaba
> P.S.: Before you ask, no, the liquid is not VDB emulsion, is a
> simulation I did with some yellow Ecoline I had in hand. Pretty similar,
> thou. ;-)
> Thom Mitchell escreveu:
>> Rodolpho, your solution sounds very interesting. I am not yet a
>> printer but I use the list to learn and think about the various
>> processes. Could this be another option? If you fiberglassed a cookie
>> roller or dough rolling pin - the kind with handles on the side -
>> would that work for spreading the solution. Dough rolling pins with
>> handles are cheap and readily available used at your local thrift shop
>> of choice. Fiberglass repair kits would work for the fiberglass
>> sourcing? Another thought might be 1" PVC pipe with end caps mounted
>> onto a paint roller. I don't know enough to know the pros and cons of
>> those ideas but is there a reason they wouldn't work?
>> Just a thought from someone who hasn't actually done any
>> coating....yet. -thom
>> Camden Hardy wrote:
>>>Sounds like an interesting contraption. I'd be interested in seeing it.
>>>Camden Hardy