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Re: Photopolymer Plate Options

Christina... I'm sure your information is right... I just meant that I
was surprised that  I'd somehow missed that, and it may well have a
dramatic effect on my first test results I've just done this week.
I'll go download those PDFs.


On 2/16/07, Christina Z. Anderson <zphoto@montana.net> wrote:
I downloaded the pdfs on EcoEtch Printight KM73 and Ecoetch 43-SB and both
say that.  Hmmm...

----- Original Message -----
From: "SusanV" <susanvoss3@gmail.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Photopolymer Plate Options

> On 2/16/07, Christina Z. Anderson <zphoto@montana.net> wrote:
>> Jon, Nancy,  Keith, etc. etc.
> ".............  I also notice that 100 degree washout for 5-10mn is
> recommended whereas solarplate requires 68-78 for 2 mn. "
> That's news to me.  I've been doing about 75 for 2 min.
> ????????????????
> Susan
> www.dalyvoss.com

Susan Daly Voss