U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: CS3

Re: CS3

My favorite new feature (besides the massive improvements to Bridge) is 
the alignment engine that makes handheld bracketed exposures an easy 
deal. Stunning processing for out of alignment images. For High Dynamic 
Range work, it's very cool.

You can see a comparison with CS2 at the following:


If you're interested, the "final" version is here:


This new alignment capability will also open doors for film shooters who 
scan bracketed chromes or negs. Unlike digital captures that are pin 
registered, there has been no easy way to scan different frames and 
automatically have them registered. CS3 will change all that.

Oh, and finally we can hit the "P" key to turn Preview on-and-off in all 
of the dialog boxes. Yeeha! And Curves is improved at last; there is 
positively no reason to ever use Levels again.

