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Re: my first two gum prints

These are excellent, Charles, and not sizing seems to work fine for you. The neutral grey of the coats shows how well your pigments and pigment proportions are balanced; this is very good work for beginning tricolor gum.

I sometimes have seen blown highlights like this in one-coat gums where the pigment mix is very heavy and the density range of the negative too long to be expressed in one gum coat of that mix, but almost never in tricolor gums. How are you printing your negatives---what inks?

On Sep 14, 2007, at 3:19 PM, ryberg wrote:

You may see my first two gum prints at http://home.comcast.net/ ~cryberg/index.html

This is a pretty unsophisticated site--no flash, no java, just cookbook html and hopfully fairly quick to load.
I would appreciate any advice, but especially what to do about the total lack of texture in the woman's hat and sleeve. Do you think my curves need adjusting? Should I go back to the orginal, burn in the hat and reprint the negatives?.
By the way, this is three color, unsized Fabriano Aristico.
Charles Portland OR