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RE: Measuring DMAX

Thnaks for all the pointers and discussion. Vuescan approach works great with my outdated hp4770 scanner. I checked with my 18% grey card wich gave correct reading. I got 0.7 to 0.75 with average of 0.72, versus calculated of 0.74 for the 18% grey card (caculated -log(0.18)=0.744)).
I should say that googling the topic send me on a wild goose chase. What a valuable resource the list turns out to be. I also appreciate the discussion that follows.

> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:46:46 +0100
> From: ctb@zeelandnet.nl
> Subject: Re: Measuring DMAX
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Hi Marek,
> Vuescan <http://www.hamrick.com> can do that. First check the 'Enable
> Density Display' option in preferences. Then point your mouse to a
> location in the scan/preview window and hold the control key. Vuescan
> displays the log density readings of the raw scan. These readings are
> not altered by your scanner settings or profile.
> Kees
> On 14 jan 2008, at 22:02, Marek Matusz wrote:
> > Is there a way to measure the DMAX of a print with a scanner /
> > Photoshop? I do not have a densitometer at hand. I vaguely remember
> > a thread a while back, but could not find it.
> > Marek

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