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RE: "serum of milk"

Title: RE: "serum of milk"

Judy S wrote:
One of the Photo Miniature articles mentioned that bugs -- especially the
"American water bug " -- had an affinity for the platinum emulsion of
platinum prints... that some prints had had the entire surface removed
(eaten) by bugs, but leaving the paper intact...

 . . .  don't know if it is interesting, and surely 'off topic' but years ago, after
a few trips way into Mexico, I accumulated a rather impressive body of work
all printed in Agfa Brovira and Amidol print developer. My I was happy with
it all. I filed it in boxes, intending to produce both exhibits and a book.
Upon digging it out and opeing the boxes . . like well over 500 11x14's . . .
I found that termites had eaten through ALL of the prints, silver and all.
But, we have termites bad out here in the woods of California. One does
not dare just let a 2x4 lay idle on the ground.