Back after a long time
It's been about 5 years since I posted to this list. I joined at at time
when I had just taken workshops in Platinum/Palladium and Gum printing and
was all fired up to continue to explore alternative processes. Despite that
early enthusiasm, I put up some mental road blocks to myself after a few
early failures and returned to standard sliver-gelatin printing. A month or
so ago I felt I was in a creative slump and decided that it was time to
return to exploration of new areas. I have decided to work on a project in
which I will shoot pinhole and zone plate images and print them using the
Argyrotype process. I shot a number of negatives in early September in both
4x5 and 8x10 and spent the next several weeks developing the film while
wating for my supplies to arrive from Bostick & Sullivan. A few things I
needed were backordered, so I spent another few weeks biding my time and
printing my negatives on silver-gelatin paper to get an idea of how they
look as prints. Finally last weekend the rest of my materials arrived and
Tuesday night I was able to finally get moving. The first two images I
printed are available for viewing on Flickr - I'd love
some feedback, good or constructively bad.
Benno Jones