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Re: Mowiol was: Stock Paint:Gum Solutions?

There seems to be no (or a very retarded) dark reaction, why that is I
don't know, maybee because Mowiol is not organic. There are some
products on the market that have these properties:
If a coated paper keeps a wel I didn't test, should have come to think
of it. I will test this whenever I have the time.

2008/10/24 Kees Brandenburg <ctb@zeelandnet.nl>:
> Hi Guido,
> Ii have been trying different pva's in the past from the famous gloy to
> other glues and mowiol. They all printed slower than gum and dont have the
> feel of gum. The tackines you describe I noticed too.
>> What I do like is the
>> fact that a mixture of Mowiol, paint and pot dichromat does not seem
>> to get bad, even after 2 weeks.
> Could this be interpreted as the absence of a dark reaction with PVA? Or is
> it more a result of the slower crosslinking of PVA's, also responsible for
> the lower printing speeds.
> Does a sheet of coated paper keep well too?
> kees