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what about pva sizing?

Hi all...

What about using Gamblin PVA size?

I know that Jim Larimer likes to use it for gums...has anyone else used it for pt/pd or other processes?

I'd like to buy a bottle today and try it out...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alberto Novo" <alt.list@albertonovo.it>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: agar sizing

did you note if it still has adhesive power round 40° ?         8 - )
I think you mean if this happens after a warm soaking, like for resinotype. I don't believe agar swells like gelatin, because you need to rise the temperature up to 90°C to dissolve it. However, I will check these days.
is it yellowish or it has other "nuances"?
I have a yellowish agar, given me by a biologist, and a perfectly white (edible) agar bought in a grocery. But also the yellowish one, once brushed on the paper and air dried, is only barely visible but for the shine of the sheet.